
Hi! Welcome to my mindscape.

I am a Hong Kong-Vietnamese digital media student who is very passionate about design, still in the journey of exploring extraordinary ways to convey emotions, meanings and purposes by design. I have been practicing many different types of design on a general scale, and though I have mild interest in most areas, I find animation to be badass wizardry and may pursue it in the future.

How my brain works

My philosophy is simple yet strong - work hard and keep improving. My mission is to understand your problem and find an amazing yet practical solution. My motivation to go through stress is the peaceful hours of sleep after deadlines (simple but works every time!).

What others say about me

I often receive comments from my lecturers and teachers about my fast progress in improving and very active learning attitude, which I am very glad and grateful for. They also see me as a generous companion who is willing and happy to help others in need. My friends say I am quiet on first impression but crazy after knowing me for years, though I am pretty nice and chill.

Fun/odd facts about me

  • Being stressed is my normal state.
  • I have a love-hate relationship with design.
  • My favorite director is Christopher Nolan.
  • I am left-handed.
  • I have dark history with grids.
  • I inhale copium on a daily basis.
  • Interstellar is my favorite movie.
  • I can speak 4.5 languages.

In the workplace

When working as a designer, I am more of an open person who would listen and try to sympathize with my clients. I would like to work as a team, having a friendly and easy vibe with both parties sharing ideas to solve the problem together. If you're interested or you want to know more, let's have a chat!